Microsoft execs informed the internal team that had been working on the tablet device that the project would no longer be supported. Courier had never been publicly announced or acknowledged as a Microsoft product.
아이패드 보다 이놈을 더 기대하고 있었다.
내가 생각하기에, 타블렛이라면 정전기 방식만을 고집하기 보다는 팬방식을 받아들여
정말, 정말 자유로운 필기가 가능한 것이 가능해야 타블렛 PC가 된다고 믿고 있다.
그런데!! 그 희망을 주고 있던 Courier가 지원이 종료 되었단다.
스..슬프구나. 심지어 맥사용자 들조차도, 아...써보고 싶다를 연발하던 그 동영상은 그저 몸부림에 지나지
않았다는 것인가.... 아흑!!!
아쉽다. 아쉽다. 아쉽다. 비록 Win운영체제라는 태생의 질병을 태어날 불운아 였지만, 그래도
그는 영웅의 운명이었거늘, 아쉽게도 죽임당했다.
오늘 한명의 영웅이 될 뻔한 영혼을 보내며 애도한다 쿠워억~~~
Microsoft confirms, kills Courier in one fell swoop; By Joshua Topolskyposted Apr 29th 2010 4:44PM
Well this is depressing. Word has just gone fluttering out of Redmond that work on the Courier project -- a heretofore rumored dual-screen tablet which rightfully set the tech world ablaze -- has been spun down by the company. Here's the official line from Frank Shaw, Microsoft's VP of corporate communications:
At any given time, across any of our business groups, there are new ideas being investigated, tested, and incubated. It's in Microsoft's DNA to continually develop and incubate new technologies to foster productivity and creativity. The "Courier" project is an example of this type of effort and its technologies will be evaluated for use in future Microsoft offerings, but we have no plans to build such a device at this time.
All very sad, of course. So how did we get here? And was this thing ever really real to begin with? After all, it's hard to kill something that never lived. Well here's the deal, according to a source familiar with the situation: the Courier did indeed start life as a potential new product category for the company, one which was being incubated internally with very real plans for a marketable device. It seems, however, that things just didn't manage to take shape, and word was handed down very recently that the incubation period had reached its conclusion -- sans product -- and resources would be directed elsewhere. Now, that doesn't mean that we won't see some of this technology turn up in other products which Microsoft has in the pipeline (the company does keep quite a few balls in the air), but it does mean that those rendered videos of the Courier in action will remain, unfortunately, renders. As far as the Engadget team is concerned, there isn't a dry eye in the house right now -- but the Courier will always remain in our hearts as one of the finest unicorns that ever unicorned across our screens.