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Note on the Voice of the Customer; John R. Hauser; MITSloan management

Note on the voice of the Customer by John R. Hauser @ MIT SLOAN COURSEWARE P.1-19

Today’s Practice

 When VOC methods were first being developed, most product-development teams and most marketing teams felt that they needed detailed information on all levels of the customer-need hierarchy. Experience over the last fifteen years suggests that such detail is not necessary. Today, card sorts often begin with 100 needs rather than 200 needs and they focus on the primary and secondary levels of the hierarchy rather than all three levels. Teams tend to drill down to the tertiary level only for one or two high priority secondary needs. This focus greatly reduces the measurement burden on respondents and lowers the cost and time of marketing research. It appears to represent a reasonable tradeoff between completeness and feasibility.


Discussion And Summary

 The voice of the customer is critical to setting both marketing strategy and marketing tactics. Measurement is both feasible and practical. Today’s methods excel at identifying customer needs, sorting these needs into a hierarchy, and providing priorities for the customer needs. Scientific data and practice suggest interviews with 10-20 customers per segment should identify enough of the customer needs (in a customer segment) for marketing analysis. Both one-on-one experiential interviews and focus groups seem to effective at identifying needs. Alas, group synergies expected from focus groups are of-ten not present. Multiple analysts (at least 2-3) should analyze the transcripts. While group-consensus charts are a popular method for obtaining a hierarchical structure, scientific data and experience suggest that different structures are obtained by analyzing customer-sort data. The customer-sort hierarchies seem to group the needs to reflect how the customer uses the product while team-consensus charts group the needs to reflect how the firm builds the product. There are many means to identify priorities for perceived needs. Most measurement scales, if implemented carefully, are accurate in terms of predicting both preference and interest in potential product concepts. These priorities are valuable for product design, for selecting the advertising message, and for setting differentiation (segmentation) strategies.

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