Chapter 1 Brands and Brand Management
What is a brand?
Brands versus Products
Why do brand matter?
Can everything be branded?
Physical goods
Retailers and distributors
Online products and services
People and organizations
Sports, arts, and entertainment
Geographic locations
Ideas and causes
What are the strongest brands?
Branding challenges and opportunities
Savvy customers
Brand proliferation
Media fragmentation
Increased competition
Increased costs
Greater accountability
The brand equity concept
Strategic brand management process
Identifying and establishing brand positioning
Planning and implementing brand marketing programs
Measuring and interpreting brand performance
Growing and sustaining brand equity
Discussion questions
Brand focus 1.0 historical origins of branding
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상품: 소비자가 소비하게 되는 것, 예.샴푸, 핸드폰 등
제품: 소비자가 소비하기 이전에 상품의 원료, 예.시멘트, 철 등
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