인도의 Handphone 시장 |
2008.03.14, 전형진 |
아래 기사를 보니, 총 전화 가입자가 2억 8천만명 인데, Handphone 가입자가 2억 4천만명이 넘네요. 놀라운 성장 입니다. 한달에 800백만의 handphone 신규 가입자가 개통한다고 합니다. 몇년전에는 늘어터졌는데 말입니다. 진짜로 slow slow quick quick 입니다. The Indian telecommunications has been zooming up the growth curve at a feverish pace, emerging as one of the key sectors responsible for India's resurgent economic growth. It is the fastest growing telecommunication market in the world, and with 281.62 million telephone connections (at the end of January 2008) is the third largest telecom market. In fact, India has achieved its target of reaching 250 million telephone subscribers by 2007, two months before target. Simultaneously, overall tele-density has increased to 24.63 percent. The year 2007 saw India achieving significant distinctions: having the world's lowest call rates (2-3 US cents), the fastest growth in the number of subscribers (15.31 million in 4 months), the fastest sale of million mobile phones (in a week), the world's cheapest mobile handset (US$ 17.2) and the world's most affordable colour phone (US$ 27.42) and largest sale of mobile handsets (in the third quarter). Segment-wise growth Wireless segment has emerged as the preferred mode of telephone service by the consumers, reflected in the rising share of mobile phone connections to total connections. The share of mobile phones has increased from 71.69 per cent at the end of March 2006 to 86.07 per cent at the end of January 2008. In fact, since 1999, mobile subscriber base has been growing at a CAGR of around 85 per cent. And, while about 8 million new subscribers are being added every month in mobile segment, there has been a decline in the total number of wire line subscribers. Also, the net addition of 8.77 million subscribers added in January 2008 has been the highest ever increase in a single month. Also, private sector has become the dominant player in the industry. While public sector companies added 53.6 million subscribers during 1998-2007, private companies have added a whopping 133.58 million subscribers during the same period. The dominance has been much more pronounced in the mobile market, where private operators have added 124.68 million subscribers, while public sector operators added only 31.79 million subscribers. Investment The booming domestic telecom market has been attracting accelerating amount of investment. For example, during the first nine months of the current fiscal year (April-December 2007), US$ 1.04 billion of FDI has been made against US$ 478 million for the whole of 2006-07. The cumulative FDI inflows from April 2000 to December 2007 have been US$ 3.62 billion, accounting for Buoyed by the rapid surge in the subscriber base, huge investments are being made into this industry, even in the current fiscal year. An investment of over US$ 15.21 billion is being made by Indian telecom companies in 2007-08 to finance their massive expansion of mobile networks, infrastructure and subscriber numbers. This, in fact, is equivalent to 60 per cent of the cumulative investments into the wireless segment since 1995.